

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ” 

- Zora Neale Hurston


“A business idea is just another idea. But an idea backed by a strong feasibility report, a thorough business plan and a smart team is no longer an idea. Its now a solid business opportunity worth pursuing." 

- Ajaero Tony Martins


“The essence of strategy is knowing what not to do" 

- Micheal Porter

Services of Value Creation Catalyst are aimed at equipping our clients with knowledge, capacity build-up & scale-up, funding coupled with financial and strategic wisdom & implementation for inherent growth.

Research Services: 

Well researched knowledge & information are fundamental to Value Creation and thus, leveraging on our industry and corporate research experience, we look forward to working on research assignments so as to discover new and better avenues in our focus areas of Startups, MSME’s and Social businesses. Further, on the individual business level --- we provide research services related to in-depth study of the industry / sector, competitors, business environment, inherent strengths so as to find out and address the gaps present in the business offering for our clients.

Such a service is essential for not only understanding the sector but also to bring about a market-led approach to businesses and outgrow competition.

Preparation and appraisal of an effective business plan & project reports:

Putting the entrepreneurial idea on paper and concretising a business plan is an important decision-making tool for facing the realities of the business world. Value Creation Catalyst puts its business acumen and industry expertise into practice and assists you in developing an effective business plan & project reports --- backed by research,market analysis & strategy, financial projections & business valuations, operational plans,competitive assessment and risk management tools.

Such a service is essential not only for fund raising but also for assessing and accomplishing internal and external goals. 

Valuation of a business:

Business Valuation refers to using a set of processes & procedures for estimating the economic & intrinsic value of a business. Such an exercise is useful for business appraisals in processes like... merger & acquisitions, price discovery for business stake sale, estimation of stake-holder value, fund raising… among others. Value Creation Catalyst through its experience & expertise uses conventional and modern methods,approaches & tools so as to establish and derive fair value for the businesses. 

Fund raising and due- diligence services :

Money is the life-blood for running of an organisation and its timely availability – in the required quantum, is the key. Further in a business, money has to be made available at an appropriate cost. Value Creation Catalyst with its industry knowledge, market experience and network, works with entrepreneurs (both for profit and not-for-profit) to find the right investor and plan out optimum capital structure for its clients. For the investor community, the firm provides due-diligence services for screening investment opportunities. 

Carrying out effective Corporate Social Responsibility management:

With CSR becoming a directive, companies are looking at it more as a strategy for long-term such that it falls in-line with the objectives of the business. Value Creation Catalyst with fund raising mandates from NGO’s, looks at opportunities for tying-up with corporates in strategising and implementing their CSR activities, such that the same align with their business objectives and attain social impact. With our research back-up, we plan to build upon creating knowledge management system in the still unexplored social sector. For the NGO’s our services are not restricted to fund raising but extend to building systems and processes and designing sound strategies for facilitating long-term sustainability of the projects. For the Corporates, we ensure effective reporting of the projects being carried out and keeping track of the use of funds for the community projects.

Strategic advisory & implementation services:

Strategy is the execution tool for implementation of the business idea. An appropriate and an effective strategy is required for the enterprises and ideas in start-ups, MSME’s and social businesses if the same have to sustain in the mainstream competition with a market-based approach. Value Creation Catalyst with its expertise and experience in the corporate world offers to construct plans, design processes, build-on capacity and upgrade the same on a continuous basis, so as for the enterprises to achieve their objectives and attain profitability. Backed by industry / sector research, strategic advisory is provided in all areas of businesses with a view to making the project financially and structurally viable and sustainable.

Relationship management & reporting:

Effective reporting is the key to transparency and strong relationship management. Value Creation Catalyst takes on itself, the task of monitoring and evaluating the progress of its clients and reporting the same to the respective stakeholders’ viz. investors, donors, bankers, partners, investees, customers … through the medium of newsletters, emails, visits etc.